[Ti] Cleaning screen

Kynan Shook kshook at mac.com
Fri Dec 6 10:23:25 PST 2002

I am fairly certain that the TiBook (like Apple's other LCDs) has an 
antiglare hardcoat.  Personally, I just use a water-moistened cloth to 
clean my screen, which is Apple's recommended product.  They also say 
that a *mild* glass cleaner with no alcohol or ammonia is OK, and that 
Klear Screen is OK as well.

The official information:

Jack Bozzuffi Jr <jakebozz at voicenet.com> writes:
> I just picked up some "Endust for Electronics" but got "cold feet."  I 
> called the
> toll-free number on the side of the can to double check about use on 
> laptop LCD
> screens.  The rep said, "if the screen is coated, I wouldn't use it."  
>  Anyone know if
> the TiBook (667) has a coated screen?

Kynan Shook
kshook at mac.com

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