[Ti] Battery Life

Glenn L. Austin glenn at austin-home.com
Fri Dec 20 23:56:33 PST 2002

on 12/20/2002 3:27 PM, Luke Mazzeri at etyrnal at ameritech.net wrote:

> I have NO respect for a company who feels that they have to lie about a
> product to coerce you into buying it.
> I did a poll on the mac-l list asking about people various
> 'configurations' and the average and maximum battery life that they
> were achieving and i don't recall hearing anything above a 2.5 hour
> average...  Since day one my TiBook never achieved more than 2.75
> hours...  and i normally get two...  Seems that 5 hours can only be
> accomplished w/ two batteries...

Oh, and here's an addendum...

I've *never* seen a Wintel laptop that gets more than 45 minutes on a
battery.  Others who use Wintel laptops all the time tell me that they
usually get 30 minutes *or less* of runtime when on battery power.

Glenn L. Austin <><
Computer Wizard and Race Car Driver
<glenn at austin-home.com>

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