On Friday, April 18, 2003, at 11:56 AM, PowerBook G4 Titanium List wrote: > Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2003 07:57:33 -0600 > Subject: Re: [Ti] Titanium/Cell Phone/Internet Service > From: Sam Hotchkiss <ti at zlit.net> > Message-ID: <BAC40EED.4846%ti at zlit.net> > > If you're interested in this topic, there is a mailing list dedicated > entirely to hooking up macs to cell phones: > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/maccellphone > > I just joined yesterday, but they look like they have some good info I took a look at the list archive, and after believed the list should better be named "macs and US-based cellphone services." Very little value for those operating outside of the US, since most of the issues discussed arise out of failure to connect to a variety of US cell companies. Here in OZ, I have successfully paired my SE T68i with Optus GPRS for dialup speed connections which now work more reliably under 10.2.5, with D-link BT adaptor/PB 800. While most telcos here operate with 2.5G, Hutchison through its Orange brand, have released this week a full 3G service, allowing broadband cellphone speeds, and true video exchange phone-to-phone. In OZ: http://www.three.com.au In the UK: http://www.three.co.uk I have no idea if/when 3G is planned to be released in the US, but I wouldn't be surprised if it gets passed over in favour of 802.11 hot-spot connection. At least that way there is one standard across the US, that is until the next bunfight over a/b/g reaches critical mass. One wonders if an Apple branded communications device (Tablet/phone) will come only with 802.11x or will allow for some connectivity in countries with 3G services. Les ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------- Les Posen/MEL Webmaster Lposen (AIM/iChat) Australian Psychological Society P.O. Box 1229 (Victorian Branch) St.Kilda South Virtual Reality Therapy Australia 3182 http://homepage.mac.com/lesposen/iMovieTheater1.html