Hello, All: While restoring from a backup, I find that my copy of Apple DVD Player 3.2 is munged up and won't copy. There is no download for this version on the Apple website (3.1.1 seems to be the latest available-but it doesn't work under 10.2). It seems the only way to get it back is to reinstall 10.2 from my Jaguar disc and then update the software (which I HATE to do just for this, but the install for additional applications on Disc 2 does not have the DVD Player). Does anyone have any other suggestions/options? Thanks VERY much, -- Eric L. Peters Associate Professor of Ecology and Environmental Science Department of Biological Sciences Voice: (773)995-2421 Chicago State University Fax: (773)995-3759 9501 S. King Drive mailto:E-Peters at csu.edu Chicago, IL 60628-1598 http://webs.csu.edu/~epeters/