John Griffin typed this message on 03/12/19 13:55: > So I spend the whole morning downloading and trying to install the new > Quicktime only to be greeted with a dialog saying that it could not be > installed "at this time. Please try again." > > So I try again and it starts the download from scratch. To Hell with this, I > am not going to waste another 3 hours downloading it again. Surely there is > somewhere on the disk where the downloaded file exists so I can try to > install it manually. > > Can anyone help me out? Never mind, Data Recycler came to the rescue! Man, do I love that stuff from Prosoft! I found that Apple in its infinite wisdom has decided that any archives that System Update downloads and installs is to be trashed, even if it was not successfully installed. Great move, Apple!!! I wonder who the genius is who thought that one up. Anyhow, I found it in .tar format lodged in a the bottom of a pile of arcanely titled folders in my emptied trash (dumpster diving anyone?) I just Undeleted it and had Expander do its thing and I was able to install it successfully. jg