Just for fun, I took a gander at the new Al's (Ti's, whatever!) at the local Apple store. They had the 12" and 17" on display. Frankly, if I was buying fresh today, I would probably STILL get the 15. The 12 is just too small for my needs and use. The 17 just looks/feels too big. It would be tough to travel with. I think it is meant as the ultimate desktop replacement. What I need is something relatively easy to travel with, yet not too small to be able to see. Anyway, the added bells and whistles are not enough to make me what to change form factor. Of course, talk to me when there is a dual 1.4 gig 15 with all the latest bells and whistles! LOL! I think that is EXACTLY the point. The next version will almost always have something spiffier than the version you just bought. So you get 6 months instead of 4 as the NEWEST badboy on the block. BFD. Just my .02¢ discounted for inflation. The 15 still rocks and does everything I need at a size I love and can use. YMMV.