[Ti] Why do URL's die when wrapped?

b flipper at macsrule.com
Mon Jan 27 03:52:55 PST 2003

>On Wednesday, January 22, 2003, at 03:09 PM, Bill Reburn wrote:
>>>Maybe there is some guru level trick for the purpose of posting a url in
>>>email and forcing that line to not break? I don't think so..
>On Wednesday, January 22, 2003, at 07:23 AM, Tom Warner replied:
>>This could be an old husband's tale... but I've been told that if 
>>you put the url inside these little goodies:
>>  <url.goes.here>
>>that wrapped links will still work.

The easiest way to get the URL, intact, to the highest percentage of 
mail readers is simple: Check to see where your 'wrap' is set in 
outgoing mail. Then, always use "< >" angle brackets, at the 
beginning and end, and, if the line of the URL is long, hit a hard 
carriage return at LESS than the number of columns [like 'spaces'], 
than the wrap feature is setfort.

I.E. if your emailer is wrapping at 72 characters, enclose your URLs 
in brackets, and hit return [inserts a hard carriage return] Before 
you've hit 72 characters on the line. Even in the 'middle' of the 
URL, it will stay intact in brackets, as long as the 'hard' wrap, 
'carriage return' is less than the default 'wrap'.


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