All, some good user news to pass on regarding ENTOURAGEX instead of OUTLOOK2000 Exchange client.. I have x-posted to busmac and titanium lists because this is where I have seen the most anxiety, heartache and frustration with those of us who must use coporate emails systems services by MIcrosoft Exchange email servers WITH a VPN agent in between for travelling and home use (away from the office lan). Well, I have been trying to get a clean and stable environment for this since I first started using OS/X back in late 2001 - and now I think I have. I was so frustrated today that I finally turned to implementing Microsoft Entourage (from my Office X) to do basic access to my corporate email EXCHANGE server .. and guess what?? It works really well! In fact OSX's works great too! I did this using the IMAP connection to my company's many MS XCHG 5.5 servers. I have only basic READ, SEND and DELETE functions because of the limits of IMAP and SENDMAIL. So I reckon that when MS get the ENTOURAGE update out for OUTLOOK EXCHANGE soon I will be in great shape! Then I might have calendar sharing and the stuff I used to have when I had dumped that horrid PC years back. IF you are still reading, I have had no end of trouble with using OUTLOOK2001 in CLASSIC mode under OSX because I need to access my company's exchange server and internal firewalled network using a VPN router (cisco 3000). As many of you users of outlook know, the many flavours of the CISCO VPNCLIENT from the first one I can remember called V2.5.1(??) has always been a bad marriage with he classic mode apps.. The most frustrating has been the usage of outlooks fully qualified exchange server name instead of an IP address (for general usage) and those annoying lockups when the network stops or worse the TI goes to sleep! Anyway I can put up with people not dropping stuff into my busy OUTLOOK exchange calendar and a few other things in order to use ENTOURAGEx. I hope MS bring out the UNLEADED version of ENTOURAGE for EXCHANGE server soon.. I do like the way I can use my address and also the SONY PALM via hot synch too.. so life is looking better. NOw I have my two iSIGHT cams and some uncongested broadband .. life is getting better all the time! IF anyone would like some detail on what I did to get this to work. I'd be happy to share it. it is pretty straight forward and there is no need to bother the "helpdesk experts" system admins who live and breathe windows to get it to work. (thankfully!) NO I don't have to bugger about starting OS( and all the witchcraft/black magic and bad Feng Shui ( hosts files and different DSN's etc etc) & I seem to have to do with resetting MTU's for the classic mode and all the stuff .. I can get emails in less than 30 seconds once VPN is up under 10.2.6 Oh.. lastly.. do I use OWA to get emails too? Well yes.. but that seems to have so many usage restritions under the OS/X environment... I gave up. Still have to use VPN outside of my corp. lan. w