Hello all, Is anyone on the list using any stock market analysis & charting software? I'd be interested to know what's available. I am currently forced to use my Equis Metastock program (windows only) via Virtual PC. After running a search I've discovered a few Mac specific programs available; ProTA, Behold, Tendsetter, and Tradex. But all appear to be OS 9 only. A couple are ridiculously expensive for what they offer and especially as OS 9 programs (I know Metastock Windows is expensive but it was a gift and I didn't have to pay for it at $500+ USD). The ProTA site mentions work on an OS X version which they expect to release in 2003 but as of this date they haven't posted anything on their website. I could run any of the above mentioned since I still have OS 9,2,2 classic available but I'd rather use an OS X native or at least carbonized program. At this point I may be forced to endure loading Virtual PC to run Metastock to do my charting or shell out the $ for an OS 9 native pgm. Thanks Joe