In a message dated 3/8/2003 5:07:26 AM Eastern Standard Time, mcdanielfirehouse28 at writes: > Do the cords keep breaking in the same spot?< Joe: Yeah, at least in our case they kept breaking in the same spot but here's the thing...Apple is in a damned if you do damned if you don't situation with this. Here's the reason: I remember my first Powerbook a 160 C (was it?), anyway it was the grey plastic box with the first color screen. It had a cord that was built to last. It was so good in fact that any abuse that it encountered was transferred directly to the computer itself and eventually cracked the power port on the m other board. Now that was an expensive fix. Apple could make monster cords that would stand up abuse but also lead to the same flaw of transferring that abuse to the mother board. Moral: No engineer can work around human stupidity, it will eventually catch up with the design. If Apple engineers do decide to put their heads together then hopefully they will take this into account and keep protecting the mother board at all costs. I'd rather pay 70 bucks for a new cord than, what? 750 to a thousand for a new mother board. LOL MBurke