Thought I'd keep the list informed of further adventures with my TiBook. I was sitting in a lecture tonight (doing Post-grad studies in Knowledge Management) when a colleague brought out his 12" AlBook he had purchased that afternoon. Unfortunately, the catch on the lid was malfunctioning, and no amount of inspection or closing seemed to help. Meanwhile, I discovered it came standard with OS X 10.2.3 I happened to have the combo upgrade 10.2.6 disk image on my TiBook, but unfortunately he hadn't fitted his 12" with an Airport card to transfer it. No matter - I fitted my USB Bluetooth D-Link adaptor, and we "discovered" each other a few rows apart. This all took place during a break, and so we had something of an astonished crowd watching this new fangled technology do its thang. That the two Mac "saw" each other was one thing, but to exchange an 80MB while note-taking during the remaining lecture was pretty impressive too. Averaged 38kps so took about 30 minutes or so. I'm sure my colleague will now install an Airport card, so we can "Rendezvous", and offer more impressive Mac insights to the others. Les