It's a feature, not a bug. ;-) Fairly recent versions of OS X turn off the sound circuitry in order to save power in the laptops. This happens after 30 seconds of no sound, and it takes 3 or 4 seconds to reactivate the circuitry. Changing the volume, even if you have the volume feedback clicks turned off, requires turning the circuitry back on, hence the lag. More info at <> I can't tell you why you're having a lag with the brightness; open CPU Monitor or ProcessViewer and see if some application is dominating your computer. Just because you aren't running any applications doesn't mean that there's nothing running; a normal OS X system will probably have about 40 or 60 processes when idle with no applications open. "S. Moussly" <sam at> writes: > I've noticed that I have a pretty good lag when I want to increase or > decrease the volume or brightness of my Tibook. This never used to > happen in > the past, and I am not quite sure if its after upgrading to 10.2.6. I > have > also noticed other lags such as in iTunes visuals. The visuals freezes > for a > bit every couple of seconds. This also happens when I have all my > applications closed. I'm not sure what is causing the problem. Kynan Shook kshook at