At 19:13 -0500 20/4/04, M Burke wrote: >I have been on this list from the beginning from the early Ti days. >What makes this list? Not Ti's or Al's or G4 or G5. What makes this >list is the people on it and we have some of the best in the world >contributing to this list. Some great minds and very few fools, >thankfully. I will not name names here, suffice to say we all know the >major contributors to our collective Powerbook on-line university. Ti >or Al? Who cares? The point who are you gonna kick off this list? The >Al users? Why should be change the name? It will still be Powerbook U. > lol Just a thought but I for one would hate to see anyone of you on >this list booted off due to model type differences. I found this a wise overview of the value that this List creates; I even like the concept that you articulated: "Powerbook on-line university"! I think it was also good to de-rail this discussion on the semantics of the list name. All avaulable energy should rather be channeled in to solving the posted problems..... providing advice ... sharing experiences .... hints and tips ... Trevor