Wow, really neat. Now that I see it, I believe PQI is the brand of the 128 I have that I prefer and have used so much the brand paint has rubbed off. Mine, from summer 2003, is about 6mm thick. The url you give says they're now 2.8mm, and only $4 more than J&R's non-sale price I paid. J&R's web site shows only 256 now, thin like yours, $60. On Tue, 13 Jan 2004, Mark C. Langston wrote: . . . > My current favorites are the 128MB Intelligent Stick (iStick) USB drives > from PQI ( I've got two of > them. They're about the thickness of two credit cards, and even come > with a credit-card-sized carrying case that'll hold two. > > I carry them in my wallet. That's how small they are. Work a treat > with OS X, WinXP, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and Linux.