Need some opinions here. I want to buy a new laptop to replace my 550 TiBook. I was originally going to buy a 15² 1.25GHz AlBook but see that a lot of the stores have the 15² 1GHz TiBook for about $500-600 less. Anyone have experience with both? Will I notice that big of a speed difference? I know the things that I will be missing if I stick with a TiBook USB 2, FW800, backlit keyboard and 2x superdrive. But is that all worth $600? BTW, I do typical web design work (Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Photoshop) with occasional print work (Quark, Freehand). I¹ll also bring up the option to wait a couple of weeks to see if Apple announces any new machines/price cuts. My gut feeling says they won¹t, but my gut feeling is usually wrong. ;) Any opinions? -- David Oei david.oei at