Check for sources of interference; microwave ovens, some fluorescent lights, other wireless devices (802.11b or g access points, cordless phones, etc.), and lots of other things. There is a limited amount of bandwidth available in the 2.4 GHz band, and if other devices are using it, there is a lot of noise in those frequencies, and/or the wireless clients have to retransmit data frequently because it is lost in transmission, you will see decreased throughput. Try turning on Interference Robustness on both client and airport sides, and/or changing the channel. Use something like MacStumbler or kisMac to search for other wireless networks in the area. Try getting closer to the base station. You can use Activity Monitor (/Applications/Utilities in 10.3 or later) to monitor network throughput, and see whether the traffic is going through in bursts (more typical if there's a lot of interference) or at a low, continuous rate (more typical if the signal is weak). David DelMonte <ddelmonte at> writes: > Hi all. I have an airport extreme connecting my G4 to a PB 17". > > I get great internet speeds but awful file transfer speed (40mb = > 30min). > > Any ideas?