On May 19, 2004, at 4:31 PM, Sam Hotchkiss wrote: > I developed the first ever touchup paint for the TiBooks, and I found > that > not all TiBooks are exactly the same color, so it didn't match > everyone's > book. Not wanting to deliver a less than adequate product, I > discontinued > selling them. > > I have heard nothing but bad things about TiPaint.com (I still get > emails > asking me for paint 2-3 times a week, even though I stopped selling it > over > 2 years ago) > -- > Samuel W. Hotchkiss > Apple Product Professional > This shouldn't be rocket science. Any touch up paint will not be "as nice" as the original finish. It goes on with a finger nail polish brush unless you want to spring for a air sprayer and tape the area off. The issue here is customer service. Sam probably did his level best to make people happy with his product. The company in question takes your money, doesn't answer emails when customers are waiting and waiting to receive the purchase. I personally sent three queries that no one cared to answer. IMO, this company is defunct. Maybe they don't realize it yet, but creating customer experiences like mine is an assurance that product will not sell in these times of communication. O'grady was about to receive a complaint from me for advertising this product on his site. Just guess what I would tell someone if I were asked to recommend this product.