Lee Wilmeth paused, thought it over, and spoke thusly: >Flipper, > >Couple of questions. > >1. Are you paying for 90k up and 90k down, or, as in most high speed >internet connections, is the connection high down, low up. For >example, I get 4 megs down, but only 256k up. > >2. What are you trying to upload, or what software are you using? >Maybe your ISP does limit upstream FTP, or P2P traffic. So have you >tried using different programs to check your upload speed. > >3. Check your speed with an independent speed check source like this one. >http://www.broadbandreports.com/tools Thanks. I pay for their basic service which happens to be 90KB down, here where i am. they make no claims regarding uploading bandwidth. I use the Giganews speed rating, which is confirmed by Thoth, my news reader, as being very accurate. My experience is that the giganews servers will easily saturate any available bandwidth on an individual, or composite multiple-streamed, download. All the measuring apps and sites show 768 kbps at the top end (downloading), for my setup, and my apps show 15-18KB uploading (Thoth, Fetch, Azureus, various browsers, etc). I use cps or kbps, or KB/sec, and they all agree with each other. If a really high-speed server is on the other end of an ftp client here, i'll see much higher rates, at first, with a slow dropdown to the normal, verizon rate. "Averaging" is not accurate right away, as it takes a certain time for the 'rate' to fall, so that a 1KB drop in a couple seconds could be a much larger drop, but because the averaging is time-based, only a full 'known' quantity of material (in terms of size) can be used to get an honest average, after the fact. (In other words the drop in rate is a much steeper 'slope' than the numerics would seem to indicate). It's just life with verizon, one of the poorest of the dsl providers i've seen. They and AOL were singled out by a big TTY provider as being under 'spec' for the TTY service. When i had TW Cable I got 230KB down, and maybe 25 or 26 up. That was much nicer, as i use a Vonage VoIP system that requires all of my available bandwidth to run at the highest sound quality, (not necessary to run the VoIP at 90KB), but even the 'medium' setting on the VoIP needs 50KB as a constant. If I am downloading a big file, and accept a call, I hear the sound breaking up as the bandwidth goes too thin to support the call and the download. I'm having a stalemated 'disagreement' with TimeWarner, but as soon as it's cleared up I'm outta Verizon, forever, i hope. ~flipper