At 20:18 -0500 24/2/05, Dan K wrote: >The plastic edging is almost certainly a form of polycarbonate and >therefore cracks can be 'welded' using a solvent-type welder. As a polymer technologist, I think you may becorrect that the case/edge may be made from polycarbonate. I do not know for sure. Whilst polycarbonate is a tough polymer, it is rapidly destroyed by many solvents. So I would urge caution. Xylene is a good solvent, but will destroy it. I am pretty sure that amyl acetate is a practical solvent for welding polycarbonate. There may be others. Anyone thinking of solvent-welding ought to be careful that the solvent they use is not just a solvent for polycarbonate but a non-destructive one. All that said, solvent welding is a good repair technique, if it is appropriate for the damage. regards, Trevor