[Ti] Question for the great and powerfull, er, uh Woz...

Henry Kalir kalirhe at umdnj.edu
Tue Jun 7 18:19:07 PDT 2005

Bill White wrote:

>On 6/7/05 9:29 AM, Chris Olson <chris.olson at astcomm.net> wrote:
>>This marriage with Intel is the most inconceivable thing I've ever seen.
>>Anybody who knows anything at all knows that if you want performance on x86
>>you go to AMD.  Is Steve Jobs a personal friend with Paul Otellini or
>>something?  I can't see any other reason for it.
>Here's an interesting perspective on why the move to Intel might make sense:
>-- Bill
Wait! Why align oneself with just one company?
Does windows nto run on BOTH AMD and Intel CPUS???

If so - why can the Mac OS?

Why do we always have to limit ourselves to just ONE CPU and be at the 
mercy of that manufacturer to produce enough and to develop new products??

Let the REAL Mac era begin!


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