[Ti] Will Apple drop its OS?

Jesse Brown jesse.brown at mac.com
Mon Apr 10 09:18:37 PDT 2006

On 4/9/06 7:16 PM, "Murray Kastner" <murrayka at mac.com> wrote:

> And this used to be my favourite place on the 'net!

Still is for me. The key is too ignore or take with a grain of salt those
who annoy you. 

Despite Mr Olson's cynicism, I have found XP running on my 2 Ghz MBP to be
pretty snappy compared to say a Dell Inspiron 8500 with a 2.4Ghz P4M.

I can boot into XP on the Mac in less than a minute and program starts are
almost instantaneous.

I haven't run any Photoshop benchmarks or 3D programs but what segment of
the market runs those?

The point is that if XP is comparable in everyday program operations to
those on mainstream PC boxes then the Mac wins without resorting to
hyperbole such as who smokes whom running specialized tests or niche
programs. Ordinary run of the mill home users or even enterprise users now
have a viable alternative to the cheap non-innovative Dells and whatever
bricks now being produced and marketed as sub $1500 laptops.

With Apple's reputation for qaulity and customer service, you have a win-win

My next test will be to load XP under "Parallels Workstation beta" and see
how it does compared to the dual boot configuration.


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