My Titanium Powerbook is limited to 2 - 512 modules, the newer Al Powerbooks are a different configuration and will fit 2 1 Gig modules. Ralph Lewis maccare at On Feb 27, 2006, at 11:08 PM, paulatx1 at wrote: > I can remember in the past that the limitations assigned to some > computer ram was due to what was currently available in ram > sizes. And I do know for sure that I have more ram installed in > my original clamshell laptop than it was originally supposed to > support. (And I remember that my blue iMac did NOT recognize more > than they said it would.) > It would be tempting to get two one gig ram chips for my Ti...but > that would be $700. At this time though, even an additional $350 > is too much to shell out just for the heck of it. (So...if > someone else out there is running laptops with more ram than it is > supposed to support, please let us know!) > Paula >