[Ti] drive Matshita UJ-845s not spinning up disc occasionally

Malcolm Cornelius malcolm at fireflyuk.net
Mon Jul 7 02:42:35 PDT 2008

>> DL burning didn't come until the last revision of the ALs IIRC.

> The 1.0 Ghz had a superdrive, didn't it? Isn't that D/L? What to  
> expect
> from a machine have really been rising since the titaniums were new,
> haven't it?

Early super drives were single layer not dual layer - SD is a term  
that just describes a DC and DVD writer.

>>>> Is there any pattern to the discs it won't read ?  Old burnt ones,
>>>> any
>>>> burnt ones or maybe only reads ones burnt on it ?
>>> There's no patterns like that. It will read all discs finally, if it
>>> does spin up. Which gives me some hope at least.
>> Given the cost of drives now, I'd save the hassle and worry and just
>> replace it.
> Which I might have to do at some point, but there's no cash for that
> during the summer for me, as it is a downperiod business-wise. I do  
> have
> a fallback drive for reading discs, so when I've done some backups
> burning with the drive, I'll replace with that for the time being.
> Any suggestion on what drive to replace with? I'd prefer a Pioneer
> mechanism, but I'm not sure which drives have that.

I tend to stick with drives that Apple have supplied to ensure support  
within the OS.

Dunno what prices are like where you are but in UK where prices are  
probably 50% more than US, Dual Layer Super Drives are around £30  
brand new.

Best wishes

Malcolm Cornelius - The Powerbook Fanatic

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