I'm not sure if anyone addressed this yet, or if it's even a problem but here it goes. I have what will turn into a 6 yr old Ti this July - 800mhz, 1 Gig Ram (I installed that as soon as the computer arrived) 15" screen, 40 Gig HD and a 300 external. The internal HD when restarted has 1.5 gig of space, but as you all know, the longer it's on that number goes down as does response time from various apps. 2 yrs ago Apple did a total rehaul on this - new HD, new USB, Firewire, new hinges in the back, a new board and new optical drive. A new one right now is out of the question - 3 kids, 2 in college at the same time and now one heading off. (Just got him the 24" high end iMac). One of the older guys went off to school 4 yrs ago with the new G5 and new Display (now he has two displays - seems a lot of people who need $$ are selling them and he got his new one for $120), and other has a 2 yr old MacBook Pro dual core which just got back from repair. That one began shutting down when running a full screen video and recording with Garageband. There are a lot of postings out there from users who had the same issue, and it continued after Apple repaired. (He's picking it up today - $300 flat fee). (I won't even get into how many powerbooks, Tangerine iMac still in GREAT condition, G4's, and my TAM plus all the other Macs at home) So now: 1. Is my Ti just dying? I know that it's too slow for Leopard, but is running the latest OS right before Leopard's release. Would installing a new interior HD, bigger of course help, or just save the $$$ 2. On the MacBook Pro, is Apple going to admit that it's a known problem? Thanks in advance, Myst ********************************************** http://www.mysterygirl.net/hummergirl.html **********************************************