[X-Apps] Problem: Apple Talk & Asante Router

Scott scott-xlists at scotist.com
Sun Aug 10 08:30:34 PDT 2003

On Saturday, August 9, 2003, at 6:03AM, Albert D'Amanda wrote:

> On Saturday, Aug 9, 2003, at 00:45 America/New_York, Scott wrote:
>> Use the correct username and password for the machine to which you 
>> are trying to connect.
> Thanks mucho for the tutorial
> Your line, above, was what I missed!
> Also, named them G4 and G3, respectively
> Now working file sharing- between either box.
> The only thing I noticed here was:
> *** At the G3, both the G3 & G4 came up listed on the Dialog Window. 
> Clicked on G4 to connect
> *** But at the G4(Primary) . I had to enter the G3's IP address to 
> connect to the G3
> thanks again
> BTW. Waiting for Panther. Is it possible for an unwashed,  non-entity 
> like myself to get a copy to play with, or is that reserved "for the 
> big boys" ?

You're welcome. Glad I could help. Strangely enough, that little 
username/password bit  catches everybody.
As for Panther, no such luck, at least not legally, unless you are a 
developer who attended the Developer's Whatchamacallit, or are one of 
the developers with "seed" assets. That is a level of developerhood 
that requires $$ and an NDA.
You could also get Apple to hire you, but anything newer than the WWDC 
build is only available to those involved in the development process or 
with 'need to know' for one reason or another.

Yes, if you have broadband you can probably download copies from one 
place or another, but then you have two issues: legality, and the 
possibility that the copy you download is 'bent', and has been tweaked 
to do nefarious things.


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