Philip J Robar pjrobar at areyoureallythatstupid.org
Wed Jan 18 11:22:55 PST 2006

On Jan 18, 2006, at 5:57 AM, Rosemary Titterington wrote:

> Thank you- what fun to get the help I need from Brazil!
> (We are oap's and my husband thinks it is 'magic'!!)
> Downloaded VLC video player - and it worked...
> Saw and heard my grandson - great - but then it stopped and said my  
> computer
> is too slow.!  So it proved I need the new mac for my birthday.
> Any views anyone on new macs. thought of the new combination imac but
> still not sure.  I am on old g4 with 108 hard disc, but only 400 Mhz
> System 10.3.9

Try MPlayer instead. A G4 at 400 should be plenty fast enough to play  
most non-HD videos, unless you're short on memory. Another option is  
Flip4Mac, http://www.flip4mac.com/wmv.htm, which updates QuickTime to  
play many Microsoft video formats.


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