We are having some problems with a 17" flat panel CRT studio display (ADC connector). The monitor was working fine under OS 9, on an older G4 (not too old). We switched to 10.2, got 3 new Mirror Door Powermacs, but kept the "older" monitor. About 2 months into the transition, the monitor started ghosting the darker elements on the screen - the type, for example, is solid, then there are about 4-5 repetitions in light gray to the right of the type. A dark vertical line will have repetitions as well. I tried this in 9, on the machine it was originally hooked up to, and nothing worked. Could OS X have caused this? Is there some fix? I called around, but it seems no one wants to do any monitor repairs. The refresh rate is correct (comparing it to what it was in OS 9). Do I need to de-gauss it? I degaussed it from the computer monitor options. Thanks! John Pariseau