On Sun, Dec 29, 2002 at 08:55:03PM -0500, tom at twinoaks.org wrote: : : running a 1 gig quicksilver. OS 10.1.2 I access the internet through : a wintel network via ethernet. The Internet runs on TCP/IP. It doesn't care about Wintel anything. : when I try to get to the net using both : opera 6.0 or explorer that came with OS X I am told that the server : could not be found. When I am in classic Opera 5 and explorer both : connect to the net. Do you have to go through a proxy server? Ask your local network admin. If he doesn't know the answer, fire him. : Also can I download X upgrades through classic if X can't get to the : net? Yes, but not through Software Update. You need to visit Apple's support web site and manually download any updates: http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=75150 -- Eugene Lee eugene at fsck.net