Excuse my ignorance, but what is Cuda? Thanks. Tom > Just a few questions if you all don't mind. > > I have a Blue and White G3 450 and I was, for at least 3 months, having > constant Beach Ball wait cursor. Just using the file menu to open a file > would cause a wait cursor when nothing else in the application was active. > > I was reading from the Apple email list in the B&W forum that when you > install new hardware you should reset the cuda. Now I have had Macs before > this and I just really did not think much of the Cuda on something as new > world as the B&W. > > I opened the case and to my amazement, after holding the Cuda down for 60 > seconds, when I booted I rarely saw wait cursors anymore. Now Photoshop > opens three times faster. > > So down to my question. >