Just a few questions if you all don't mind. I have a Blue and White G3 450 and I was, for at least 3 months, having constant Beach Ball wait cursor. Just using the file menu to open a file would cause a wait cursor when nothing else in the application was active. I was reading from the Apple email list in the B&W forum that when you install new hardware you should reset the cuda. Now I have had Macs before this and I just really did not think much of the Cuda on something as new world as the B&W. I opened the case and to my amazement, after holding the Cuda down for 60 seconds, when I booted I rarely saw wait cursors anymore. Now Photoshop opens three times faster. So down to my question. Using a B&W, as others I am sure here do as well, do you get wait cursors often or rarely. This does not count the wait cursor you would get when opening such programs as Adobe products. You will have the Beach Ball then as you wait for those lengthy programs to load. I am talking more about waiting for menu or files to open, moving things, selecting icons and the like. I had that Beach Ball in all of events listed above and more. It was a nightmare to operate this system and I just wanted to know if Beach Balls are a common thing on B&W G3 450 ect. Lee