To delete the Icon files (hint credit from type the following in the terminal: find $HOME/Library/Safari/Icons -type f -atime +30 -name "*.cache" -delete This deletes all icons not accessed within 30 days. Change 30 to anything else you like. Remove -delete from the end to see what it will delete, or add -print just before the -delete to see what it is deleting. I have the following script run as part of my maintenance scripts (within Macaroni) which outputs the results to a log file (clears out caches and icons). Create a file such as - I use Documents/Scripts to store these and insert whatever commands you wish to use in this file. I have included mine below as an example. In the terminal, issue the following command to make it executable: chmod 755 /Users/your_username/Documents/scripts/ Then within Macaroni create a new job and include the path to the script file you just created - I also have a log file in that same directory called maintenance.log Macaroni will create this for you if there's not one there. As an example, I have included my script below which I have set to run once a week: #!/bin/sh # echo start message echo "Cache Clean Script Processing" sudo rm -r /Users/your_username/Library/Caches/* sudo rm -r /Library/Caches/* sudo rm -r /System/Library/Caches/* echo "Cache Cleared" echo "Deleting unused Safari Icons" find /Users/your_username/Library/Safari/Icons -type f -atime +7 -name "*.cache" -delete echo "Icons Cleared" Hope this is of some use... ck On 02/04/2004, at 3:25 PM, birgit rhoads wrote: > Randy, I used and like OnyX and still have it installed. The thing I > like better about Macaroni is that is does it's work automatically and > I could not figure out how to do that with OnyX. > > I would like to have a script for Macaroni to tell it to trash the > Safari Icon folder on a regular basis. Anyone have a script for this? > I need a name for the log file too. All this is kind of over my > head. > > Birgit