Hello. i just bought a new hard drive for my imac, an 80gb model. i setup 2 partitions, like i was told i had to (a partition less then 8gb and then an other with the rest). so, i did so, but theres a little problem. the partition with 8gb is running out of space, and i have only installed OSX, and some of iLife 04. when i try and install stuff like xcode or the rest of ilife, it tells me i have to put it on the boot drive, and the other drive has the red exclimation mark. anyway, i have moved my home dir over to the boot drive, but any ideas what i have to do to get the apps over? would it be as simple (or complicated, depending on how you look at it) as just moving all the apps over, making a symbolic link and its done? or even copying all the apps over, testing the symbolic link, and then removing the old apps? could that work? Thanks in advance for info! Lotas T Smartman, MCP www.lotas-smartman.net www.the-hairy-one.com www.lsn-blog.tk