Just FWIW - I purchased Think free Office on its claims to be able to work with MS Office documents. In just a few uses (mostly translating clients' .doc and .xls files) I'm very disappointed. Word documents often open with very shoddy formatting, strange line breaks, unusual pagination. I say this knowing how the clients tend to format documents. As for the spreadsheet module, it's universally unsuccessful in opening them with a double-click. Sometimes it will open them from within the program, after which I can save to a Thinkfree format that will subsequently open directly. But at other times, spreadsheets refuse to open at all. In short, I'd not recommend this program until some serious upgrades are announced, and previous users are entitled to them. Thinkfree Office does not live up to its claims hereabouts. These comments apply to both OSX and OS9, though it's supposed to be compatible with both. I'd certainly not trust it with the rigorous formatting needs the poster expressed. Bobbo Art, pet and human portraits: http://www.bobbogoldberg.com Voice Over website: http://www.bob-vo.com And don't forget: do good works for free at http://www.thehungersite.com