At 2:20 AM -0500 12/16/05, Charles Martin wrote: >95% or better of all the Word and Excel documents people receive >were created by people who are just barely functional with the most >basic featureset of those programs. In my experience, greater than >95% of the word documents I receive could have been sent as plain >text with no change of appearance. The same goes for Excel >Worksheets -- apart from the occasional bit of formatting (like >bold, italic or some fancy font they have that I don't), nothing >changes in 95%+ of the worksheets I get -- and I've opened many of >them in Excel proper just to be sure of this. This is but one of the >many reasons to hate Microsoft. I can think of so much to dislike about Microsoft but can't quite follow the reasoning you use above. Perhaps there are some unstated elements in the logic? It seems as though you're saying one should hate Microsoft because people are "just barely functional with the most basic featureset" of Word and Excel. By that reasoning, one would vilify any and every maker of an email client... -- 'tis as said. [Reality is defined by being described]