X;{ :-) A touch of flu just in time to spoil my Christmas dinner, so I'm needlessly Scrooging here: At 12:22 AM -0500 12/26/05, Charles Martin wrote: >Everything a Mac does (and says about itself) is there for good reason. ...except for Apple's raving insanity in naming applications: which geniuses signed off on the generic "Mail", "Address Book", and "Pages"? These twits obviously were shuttered in a developer's paradise with nice little code names and a *need* to ensure that there were no leaks about the precious projects? 'Cause out in the real world, trying to use resources like Google to isolate anything involving those apps, trying to hold a conversation with someone unfamiliar with the current Mac, trying to explain a multi-application** technique - these all suffer from those names. Several applications have *an* address book, which must be noted as distinct from *the* Address Book app. A conversation about a problem goes blooey at the "OK, now open Mail" point when the user launches their browser and goes to the web mail (or opens mail, in another client). I think when the "i" prefix started being made fun of, Steve decided "OK, we'll just leave it off and see how you like it!". Ah well, I don't suppose I'd have been impressed by the names iMail and iPages anyway. And iBook was already taken. :-) ** example "multi-application" technique: emailing a bunch of holiday photos to a family member. A friend called me up earlier, while already on a call to their family computer wiz (all-PC) who was trying to instruct her in sending her batch of photos. Frustrated by discussion of "compression, zip, properties", she called for more help. I said "Forget all the tech stuff, make an album with the photos, use the Share menu and email it. She did so, chose medium-size, got an OK on the file size from the wiz, was momentarily disconcerted by the delay as iPhoto did its thing before handing off to Mail.app, and was then OK and done. But the PC wiz, a good guy who knows exactly what he's about, couldn't quite get any handle on what I'd told her to do. Statements like "OK, now just wait for Mail to open with the message just needing addressing." or "If the address is already in your Address Book..." carry no audio clues about the application being used. If you don't know, you're waiting for the rest of the info - Outlook? Eudora? Web client? An Apple-specific app? What're you using? Yes, yes, I know it's mail, but what is the *name* of the program? Those who've been helping end users for any length of time are accustomed to the users' tendency to impart generic terms. It's not Internet Explorer or Mozilla FireFox, it's "my Internet". It's not Outlook Express, it's "my email". When these helpers hear Mac users say "Mail" and "Address Book", they're already leaping into clarification mode. -- 'tis as said. [Reality is defined by being described]