: :> From: John Park <JP at johnparkcomedy.com> :> :> I have 10.2.8 and was told by the apple guy at compUSA that I would :> need 10.3 in order to configure airtunes. :> :> Is this right? :> :Yes and no. :) : :The CompUSA guy was right in THINKING that 10.3 is required, because :that's what it says on the box. : :But the box is worded very poorly. You can use an Airport Express with :10.2.8 -- I have a client who is doing exactly that -- but she's not :using AirTunes so I can't say whether *it* requires 10.3 or not. I :suspect that it requires iTunes 4.6 or better and QuickTime 6.x or :better, which may mean that Panther is a must (or may not). : So how can you say yes and no. If the box says that 10.3 is required for AIRTUNES that is different than saying that you can use AIRPORT EXPRESS with 10.2.8. The original poster was not asking if you could use 10.2.8 with airport express rather whether you could configure airtunes which it seems you can NOT do. Raoul