> From: "Thomas J. Fobia" <tom578 at rochester.rr.com> > Subject: [X-Newbies] IDVD use with slow processor! > > Hello all! I just tried to make an IDVD from Imovie HD. Since the > "preview" function in IDVD displayed very jerky playback of the movie, > I didn't attempt to burn my first IDVD project. Im assuming its > because > I only have a 400 MHz processor in my G-4. You don't mention what version of iDVD, but as you mention "iMovie HD" I'll have to assume you mean iDVD 5, part of the iLife 05 package. A quick check of Apple's website reveals the obvious: "733MHz G4 or faster required for iDVD." > Has anyone used IDVD successfully with a slow processor? I seem to recall that I successfully saved an IMAGE of the file I was working on, but I've never burned a file knowing that the machine did not meet requirements. That's just asking for trouble. > Do I need an expensive upgrade to get use of IDVD? Depends on what you mean by "expensive." A Mac mini could handle it, and costs $499. > Is there another way to burn my Imovie to DVD without using IDVD? Yes. Look up "ffmpegX," "Roxio Toast" and "Missing MPEG Tools" on Macupdate.com. These are the prettiest things around, but I've authored MANY a DVD with some or all of the above, even on VERY slow systems (even G3s, but it takes FOREVER). If you're looking for an easy way to create DVDs from iMovie projects, you want Toast -- and if you're going to work with video more than once in a blue moon, you REALLY ought to look into getting a more modern machine -- 400MHz is going to take a loooonnnng time. _Chas_ FL-MUG: central Florida's Macintosh User Group. Meetings: second Thursday of the month, 6-8pm, at the Orlando Science Center. http://www.flmug.org