Thanks Al! I was on one list (can't remember which) for years, and must have answered about 4,000 questions on OS 7-9 from the obvious to the obscure. I am not sure the exact number of responses but it was in the top three. This came from having taken apart and upgraded or repaired almost every Mac ever made. Don't remember why I left that list, but it was before X. I think I was just so frustrated with the fact that Apple released X before it was refined. There was a time when you could not alter your server list without going into the line command. My newbies were freakin' out! :-) On Nov 20, 2006, at 9:31 AM, Al Poulin wrote: > Although my favorite set of lists is with Dan Knight's >, I also like a couple of these macintoshguy lists as > a nice supplement. Where else can you get Randy B. Singer and > themacintoshlady?