Once upon a time, a long, LONG time ago a week ago someone gave me a Cube, which had a DVD drive so I could finally get around to "Going X", which meant using the eMac 2004 DVD with 10.3.3 & doing the updates. 9.2.2 connects & will do things on the net. X now 10.3.9 will connect but won't do anything ither than dotted quads rather than regular net addresses. I've done everything my ISP seems to know, which is that they have some nature of "X" set up page, "Did you read the page? Did you do everything on the page? Did you redo everything on the page from the start to make sure (about 12 times now)? Then you MUST be online!" I think their page http://www.cowboy.net/support/ppp-setup/macintosh/pppmanualx/index.html is from 10.2 or before era & they've NO ONE there who seems to have used a Mac since grade school except when the other computers in the campus labs were full & they had to. Despite what the Apple site says, I'm in a state where just about the ONLY "Apple pressence" anymore IS limited to things iPod, & it seems there's MAYBE one Mac users group still around about 150 miles away & a smattering of, well, "Mac Fanatics" who seem to have spent WAY to much time mastering their iBong skills & who seem to all be dealing in scrap metal & salvage as their main line of work! "Here, let me introduce the two of you: head, wall, wall, head." I've compared Win & generic notes as well as setup for MOS 9, & I'm sort of at: "Well I WOULD compare the Mac set up instructions with another ISP, IF I could find any!" and what to me seems to be rather "the LAST" resort of; "Have I REALLY found some sort of a REAL USE for AOL since they stopped senting me free floppy disks back in the 90's and started sending me the skeet targets & coasters instead?"