On 08-Oct-18, at 19:54: 24, Thomas McDermott wrote: > Good evening, > I was wondering if someone could explain something to me regarding > how the Mail program handles deleting mail from my server. On my > macbook and iPhone I have the mail setting to leave mail on server > unless I delete it. OK, so 'permanently on server' > When I have used eudora and thunderbird it seemed to remove the > messages from the server the next time the program checked for new > mail. Based, I assume, on how you had it set up, which sounds entirely different than the way you have set up Mail. > With Mail it doesn't seem to work that way...at least not right away. Of course not, you've told it 'leave mail on server unless I delete it' > If I delete a message from Mail, check for mail and then shut Mail > down right away the message is still on the server when I get to my > home pc. More likely, assuming that the home PC has been checking mail in your absence, it downloaded a copy before you did the 'delete' > If I leave Mail running and it checks mail at its assigned interval > the messages will eventually be removed from the server. When you tell them to, right? Otherwise, you most definitely do not have it set to 'leave mail on server unless I delete it' > I guess the long winded question is why that is and what causes the > delay in mail removal? Your setting of 'leave mail on server unless I delete it' I would suspect. -- William Lane Calgary, Canada via Mac OSX - Mail