Hello guys, For software, I recommend using Zterm for Mac OS X: http://homepage.mac.com/dalverson/zterm/ This works flawlessly with the Keyspan USB to 9 Pin Serial Adapter here: http://www.keyspan.com/products/usb/pdaadapter/ Get the latest drivers here: http://www.keyspan.com/support/macosx/usa/ It's simple. You just hook up the adapter, run Zterm and select the Adapter from the list and your set. I use it all the time to talk to Cisco, HP, 3Com, Nortel and other stuff. Zterm works just like HyperTerm does in Winders. You setup your Terminal type (9600-8-1-N) and your set to go. It also works for dialing into stuff too. I can't say enough good stuff about Zterm. Thanks, ------------------------------------=================== Aaron LaBeau email: noc at up.net Network Administrator http://www.up.net/ Baraga Telephone Company ph: 906-353-8267 ------------------------------------=================== For Tech Support on up.net Dial-Up, DSL (InstaNET), or Domain Hosting (web site hosting) please call 800-290-2209 and follow the prompts. up.net Resellers and special circuit customers please call 906-353-6644 and ask for Mari. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~