[X-Servers] Re: Top level of server not visible in Panther Finder

Patrick Ellis ellis at champlaincollege.qc.ca
Wed Oct 13 12:54:11 PDT 2004

Go to the terminal on the server and type;

sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.AppleFileServer
admin31GetsSp false

The non terminal but longer way to do it is open the
com.apple.AppleFileServer.plist file from /Library/Preferences in a text
editor such as TextEdit, go to the line below <key>admin31GetSp</key>
and change <true/> to <false/>.

It should be saved as plain text not rtf with no .txt extension appended.
You'll be asked to overwrite the original file.

(I only go this route when I forget the actual terminal command)


> ------------------------------
> Message: 6
> Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2004 15:54:34 -0400
> From: John McDaniel <johnmcd at one.net>
> Subject: [X-Servers] Top level of server not visible in Panther Finder
> To: A place to discuss Mac OS X Server and server software on Mac OS
> X. <x-servers at listserver.themacintoshguy.com>
> Message-ID: <8D7593B8-131A-11D9-9211-003065BDBBFC at one.net>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed
> We have recently upgraded to OS X Server v10.3.5 from 10.2.x.
> With Jaguar, I could mount the server from my PowerBook on my local
> network via my server admin account and see the whole server from the
> top level on down through the share points. I've been told that Panther
> doesn't work that way. Now, even though logged on as administrator, I
> can only see the share points.
> How can I get back to being able to see the entire server from the top
> level via the finder on my PowerBook.
> TIA, j mcd
> ---
> John McDaniel      johnmcd at one.net

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