Fwd: RE: [X-Servers] Windoze remote connectivity

Mark Gibson gibsonm at bigpond.net.au
Sat Oct 16 13:47:38 PDT 2004

>Date: Sun, 17 Oct 2004 06:46:39 +1000
>To: "Kuestner, Bjoern" <Bjoern.Kuestner at drkw.com>
>From: Mark Gibson <gibsonm at bigpond.net.au>
>Subject: RE: [X-Servers] Windoze remote connectivity
>At 13:42 +0200 13/10/04, Kuestner, Bjoern wrote:
>>  >>>
>>>PCs return an error "network path" not found whatever you try.
>>>Have you tried to "ping ip#" from the PCs?
>>Pings successfully
>>>Can the Macs connect via SMB to the Mac server?
>>I've tried smb://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (which is the way to do it (if I
>>remember correctly)) and that failed (error code -36).
>>That's as good as I remember and looked up in Google.
>>See if this helps:
>>Now if the local Macs cannot even connect via smb I would still try to fix
>>that first.
>>Did you change /etc/smb.conf which might have hosed your smb configuration?
>>If the problem were just remote and not on the LAN I would suspect your
>>provider might block some services. But if you connect locally that cannot
>>be the case.
>>Other than that I am out of ideas.
>The problem (I remembered) is that the PC's need to be on the same 
>sub net for SMB to work. as these machines are scattered around the 
>work that isn't going to happen.
>So I've offered the client a WebDAV solution or the option of 
>spending $ and setting up a proper VPN.
>Thanks for the responses and the good suggestions.


Mark (}-:

Skype / AIM / iChat: gibsonm1

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