Cron jobs not running, how to log cron

David Haines haines.d at
Wed Jun 16 18:48:21 PDT 2004

I've setup two cron jobs to run , setup as root and set to run as root, on a
10.3.3 OS X Server machine.

The permissions for the scripts called by the crontab are set for read,write
& execute for root user only, and I can invoke the scripts manually as root.

But the cron job does not run.

When I added these jobs to the crontab, there was no error message either.

Here's the listing (crontab -l) :

45      1       *       *       *       root    /etc/
15      0       *       *       1,2,4,6 root    /etc/

The permissions for the first script:

-rwx------  1 root  wheel  1005  8 Apr 11:51 /etc/

Please tell me the stupid and obvious thing I'm overlooking, and how you
would go about logging the results of cron jobs... In order to look
for/track down errors or problems

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