Howdy folks, I recently did a complete re-compile of apache on one of my 10.3.8 machines to support a static mod_perl (and some other stuff). It went fine but I used an incorrect --prefix flag so the new apache installed in /usr/local/apache/ instead of the default apple weirdness of /usr/sbin for httpd and /etc/httpd/ for the config file. Now I thought I'd be clever and just rename the original httpd, httpd.conf and apachectl files and make links to the new ones (sudo ln /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd /usr/sbin/httpd etc..) Well this worked pretty well, apachectl from the command line works correctly but the preference pane for sharing seems borked-- when I try to start or stop the service it just freezes. Now I would suspect that there is some other file that needs to be re-named and linked but I don't know what it is. Does anyone know what kind of voodoo is required to make the preference pane happy? It's personally no skin off my nose but some of the people who will be administering this machine are... well lets say command line challenged. :) Cheers, Ian -- Ian Knox Technical support/Web programming Office of Publications/CAS ITSP