[X4U] Journaling...

Eugene Lee list-themacintoshguy at fsck.net
Wed Jul 7 09:14:31 PDT 2004

On Wed, Jul 07, 2004 at 09:43:26AM -0400, John McDaniel wrote:
: For future discussions, please define:
: 1) system crash
: 2) kernel panic (I think most of us know the indicator of this one)
: 3) what term you use to describe the endless spinning beachball that 
: renders the entire computer system unresponsive, requiring one to hold 
: down the power button until the computer shuts off and then reboots?

For me:

1. A system crash is the OS crashing to a halt.

2. A kernel panic is one form of system crash.  There are other possible
types of system crashes that may not involve the kernel.  Think subset.

3. If the spinning wheel of death prevents a user from interacting with
the OS, then it's as good as a system crash.  Some folks have been able
to avoid hard restarts by SSH-ing into the machine and manually killing
any rogue processes that might be locking up the UI.

: I call #3 a "crash" (alternatively: "system crash" ?).

I am specific about my terms because the same posting talked about a
kernel panic and M$ Word causing a crash within the same paragraph.
It wasn't clear from the posting whether it meant system crash or
application crash.  I do not equate "crash" with "system crash".

: Yes, maybe an 
: app caused it, but the result is not the elegant "App XYZ has 
: unexpectedly quit. The rest of your life remains unsullied by this 
: unfortunate event" kind of thing. It's more like "OS X was unable to 
: deal with the hairball App XYZ coughed up. Sorry. You're hosed."

See above.  The previous posting was unclear.

Eugene Lee

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