MHT (html archive) files

Jim Colgate ColgateList at
Fri Jul 23 13:01:26 PDT 2004

I am  having an ongoing problem accessing the OWA (outlook web access)
server at my office from home. The latest problem that some may have some
insight to is that the office website offers a help button for those
experiencing problems. Pressing the help button downloads a file called
"Mail4.mht" which I have not been able to usefully open. I have opened it in
Word and by dragging and dropping it into a new safari window. In both cases
I get a text display with some HTML code and a whole bunch of gibberish
ASCII (appears to be encoded binary such as seen in the "View->source"
window for a message with an attachment.

A quick google search showed a couple programs for generating a MHT file but
did not go far enough to find a program to read it.

Any ideas on how to get some intelligent information from a .MHT file would
be appreciated.



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