[X4U] Ethernet out??

Allan Hise allan at hise.org
Tue Nov 2 07:24:11 PST 2004

Since your pings seem to be OK, at least when the G4 pings itself, have
you tried:
Pinging the G4 from the G3?
Pinging the G3 from the G4?
Comparing network settings between the G3 & G4, very carefully, and make
sure that only things that should be different are (IP address, for

Is the link light on the hub lit for the port that the G4 is connected to?
If not, are you sure yourcable isn't a crossover cable? Plugging it into
the uplink port (and switching the uplink switch, if it has one) should
give you a link light.

If you don't get a link light, the cable is probably bad. Try swapping it
with the G3 cable. That will verify a bad cable easily. If the cable is
good, then the port itself has a problem.

Getting a link light is a very basic part of the ethernet system. If you
don't have one, something is probably wrong with the hardware. If you have
ruled out the cable, it must be the port.


On Tue, 2 Nov 2004, Paul Moortgat wrote:

> Eric,
> This G4 has worked for years.  I don't see why I should have a router.
> The hub the G4 is connected to has also a G3.  I switched ports on this
> hub.  The G3 is still connected.  The G4 never.  My isp is Telenet in
> Belgium.
> Paul Moortgat
> On 2-nov-04, at 15:49, E.F.Maurer wrote:
> > On Sunday 31 October 2004 05:05, Paul Moortgat wrote:
> >> Mark,
> >>
> >> I filled in and pinged for 10 times ant it was 10 Tx
> >> and
> >> 10 Tr and 0% errors.
> >
> >>>> IP address :
> >
> > Paul,
> > A 169 ip address is a fake ip, given by the mac itself when it couldn't
> > contact your dhcp server(aka modem).
> >
> > Who is you isp?
> >
> > If it's comcast
> >
> > go to     http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=108073
> >
> > Which will explain parts of the problem. I also wouldn't try the fix
> > myself,
> > the work around that i was told by comcast was to buy a router, which i
> > needed anyway, and haven't had problems since.
> >
> > HTH
> > Eric
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