[X4U] iSight Mac to webcam PC

Michael Elliott michaelelliott at mac.com
Tue Nov 9 20:37:05 PST 2004

Because he is paranoid.  But if I can scan the ports (or have him scan 
them and then dump the results to me in email) I can show him EXACTLY 
what the problem is.


On Nov 07, 2004, at 7:40 AM, Stroller wrote:

> There is a bit more to it than this, but the easiest thing is just for 
> your brother-in-law to open the appropriate ports in his firewall 
> (which you'll undoubtedly have found posted many other places on the 
> net). I don't see any risk to this, as the only service that should be 
> listening on those ports is AIM.

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