[X4U] Which version of Windows with VPC?

Zane H. Healy healyzh at aracnet.com
Wed Oct 13 15:40:53 PDT 2004

> > slowness (as long as it doesn't become an all day affair!). How many  
> > different web browsers are there on the windows side in general use?  
> > Do they come with the system software like Safari and IE do on my mac?

You should only really need to worry about IE, anything else runs on the

> I have heard 2000 and 98 are best, but I can't confirm. I have 98 on  
> mine (DP G5 3G ram) and its Ok. I have an install disc .img for 2000,  
> but can't figure out how to get it installed on VPC.

I've never been happy with Win98, as I've never managed to keep a system
running Win98 for stable for very long.

So far I have Win XP Pro and BeOS Max (V5 PE with updates) running on VPC 7,
when running XP Pro one thing I seriously recommend is changing the default
theme to "Windows Classic", as XP will be much more responsive.  I need to
look into getting Win95 and Win98SE running as I've some old apps that won't
run on Win2k, or WinXP.

Has anyone managed to get Linux up and running?  I have another app that I
need that only runs on Linux, and I'm not sure what versions of Linux will
work under VPC 7.

In playing with trying to get some non-MS OS's running, most of my problems
seem to be due to the S3 video card that VPC emulates.


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